Sunday, June 14, 2009

The 10x10 Method

The 10x10 Method

No warm-up necessary. Simply take a weight that you could get about 20 reps with, but only do 10. Control every rep - two seconds up and two seconds down. Now rest for 30 seconds, then do it again.

Continue that process, with the same weight, until you complete all 10 sets. Remember, keep the weight under control - and no pause at the top or bottom; just keep repping...

If you chose the right weight, your first two sets will be a breeze - they'll feel almost too light; but don't be deceived. Your last three or four sets will be brutal. The pain and pump will be severe, and you'll have to bite your tongue to keep the profanities from flying.

If you get 10 reps on your 10th set, the weight is too light - add more at your next workout. You should only get eight or nine on your last two sets, and those reps should be a struggle.


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