Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Try this... Full body workout
Clean Pull
Hold the bar using a pronated grip approximately shoulder-width apart. The bar is on the floor (bar approximately mid-shin height), and close to touching your shin, your hips are down, feet flat and shoulders tall. Your back should not be rounded at all. Forcefully drive into the ground to pull the bar off the floor. You are not pulling with your arms, but rather with your hips on this exercise, so make sure your arms stay extended throughout the movement. As the bar comes off the ground, try to keep the angle of your back constant. Your legs basically start to straighten to bring your body up. As the bar begins to cross the knees, you should be in the perfect power position just like the jump shrug. Pull and shrug as hard as you can in an attempt to make the bar move as fast as possible.
Overhead Squat
Using a wide (snatch) grip, start with the bar resting behind your neck. Set your feet into a good squatting base and extend the bar overhead. You will need to place the bar slightly behind your ears and retracting your scapula (shoulder blades) to maintain solid stability in this position. Focus your eyes outward (not down) while keeping your chest high and shoulders back. Maintaining a solid arch in your lower back, try to keep your torso as vertical as possible (you won't be able to maintain as erect a torso as with your front or back squats, and this is okay).
Descend as deep as possible, making sure to keep your heels flat and hips pushed back for balance. Keep your core set, drive upward, and exhale as you pass the halfway point during the ascent.
Bent-Over Two-Point Dumbbell Row
Start with feet shoulder-width apart and torso bent forward to at least a 45-degree angle at the hips. When rowing with your left arm, slightly stagger your left foot back a bit to facilitate a natural rowing path for the dumbbell, and place your other hand behind your back. There will be a large shift in the load due to the weight of the dumbbell. Attempt to maintain an even position (not tilted) during the entire movement. Start by holding the dumbbell in the center of the body, row the weight up to your rib cage and then back down to the start. Repeat the reps with your other arm.
TIP: Due to the shifting of the body, there is a tendency to perform this exercise in a higher position than the other rowing exercises. Remember to maintain an appropriate torso position with your knees bent, torso leaning forward at least 45 degrees, and lower back flat.
Push Press
Start with the bar either in front of or behind the neck. As you start this movement, keeping the body upright, dip downward until you are at about a quarter-squat position, and then forcefully drive upward with your legs, using this power and momentum to drive the weight overhead. Control the weight back as you lower it back down to the shoulders. You will actually shift onto your toes as you drive your legs on this movement. Your legs should be straight when the weight is locked out overhead.
Dumbbell Incline Bench Press
Perform a bench press by evenly lowering the weights until they are even with (touch) your outer chest. Drive the weights up until your arms are fully extended.
By using dumbbells instead of a bar, you will force your limbs to work independently and promote strength and muscular balance. Keep in mind that because of this new instability and limb independence, the loads will feel heavier. In other words, if you can bench-press 300 pounds for a 1-rep maximum, you will not be able to perform a 1-rep maximum with 150-pound dumbbells.
Using a pronated grip (palms facing away from you) with hands slightly wider than shoulder width, start in a complete hanging position under a fixed bar. Drive your elbows out and down to raise your body until your chin is above the bar.
TIP: Use assistance if necessary to complete all of the prescribed repetitions.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Relationship Advice: Women, Gift-Giving, and the Holidays
Relationship Advice: Women, Gift-Giving, and the Holidays
by : http://www.menshealth.com
Joy to Your World
I love the holidays. But then, I would: I'm a woman. Cue reindeers, cue childhood memories (and regrets), cue soul-crushing pressure on my man when November rolls around. But relax. It's just the holidays, and you don't have to do it all perfectly. Just a few things.
My gift to you: simple directions to ensure that this year you'll do something naughty under the tree besides accidentally setting off the audio chip in My Little Pony.
You know the success of your gift to her will make or break your holiday season. So don't spend Christmas Eve--again--wandering the picked-over aisles at Target.
There's a better way. It's called paying attention. When she's browsing in a store or reading a magazine, she'll point to a handbag or jewelry or shoes and say, "Look--how cute!" Listening to the radio or reading the paper, she'll comment that she's interested in reading a certain author or growing herbs or learning Italian. All of this, friend, is her way of saying, "Here are 100 ways to avoid wandering around Target on Christmas Eve." Remember, though: You always score extra points for any gift that has meaning.
There is nothing sentimental about electronic gadgets, though they may indeed make her cry.
Make an effort: Gift certificates say, "I gave up." And gifts marketed as trendy say, "You're like every other woman," says author and gift consultant Sherri Athay. A personal, handmade item, such as a collage of the year's photos, shows that you spent time thinking about her. And exchange gifts in private, say Sheri and Bob Stritof, the guides at www.marriage.about.com. She'll be able to express her appreciation uncensored.
Call off that fight you were just about to have--the one about whether you're spending the second Saturday night in December at her friend's party or your friend's party. You're going to attend both of them, bub.
Arrive at one party right when it starts. Stay an hour and a half. By the time you leave, everyone will be loaded and have no idea that you're even gone. And when you hit event number two, everyone there will also be loaded. They'll think you've been there all along. The trick: no grand entrances, and absolutely no goodbyes.
Bring morning-after goodies: Buy baskets and fill each with muffins, pancake mix, syrup, and a bag of good ground coffee. Present one to the host of each party you attend, with a note that says, "You entertained me tonight, so I'd like to return the favor tomorrow morning."
The Ultimate Medicine Ball Workout
The Ultimate Medicine Ball Workout
The Tar Heels WorkoutThe idea of completing an entire total-body workout using nothing more than an 8-pound medicine ball may not seem intimidating. But consider: This 10-exercise routine is the same one that University of North Carolina strength and conditioning coach Jonas Sahratian uses to whip the Tar Heels into championship-game shape. It's designed to help you build a rock-solid core, burn fat, and improve your sports performance. Sahratian calls this workout the Med Ball 400. The 400 represents 400 repetitions -- the number players like Tyler Hansbrough (shown here) complete when they perform the routine. However, Sahratian suggests you start with 200 reps. (Call it the Med Ball 200.) The best part: All you need is a medicine ball to do this workout any place, any time.
The Medicine Ball 200
The old-school way to get your body in game shape
Perform this routine at the end of your regular workout or as a stand-alone workout, 3 days a week. (Use a 6-, 8-, or 10-pound medicine ball, which you can purchase at performbetter.com.) Do 20 repetitions of each exercise in the order shown. Complete the routine as a circuit, doing 1 set of each movement in succession and without resting. Too easy? Rest 60 to 90 seconds and do the circuit again.
1. Big Circles Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent, hold a medicine ball with your arms extended directly above your head [A]. Without bending your elbows, rotate your arms counterclockwise [B], using the ball to draw large imaginary circles in front your body [C, D]. Do 10 circles, and then reverse direction to clockwise and do 10 more.
2. Woodchopper Stand with your feet just beyond shoulder-width apart. With your arms nearly straight, hold a medicine ball above your head [A]. Now bend forward at your waist and mimic throwing the ball backward between your legs -- but hold onto the ball the entire time [B]. Quickly reverse the movement with the same intensity, and return to the starting position. That's 1 repetition.
3. Standing Russian Twist Hold a medicine ball with both hands in front of your chest and your arms straight [A]. Without dropping your arms, pivot on your right foot and rotate the ball and your torso as far as you can to the left [B]. Then reverse direction: Pivot on your left foot and rotate all the way to the right. That's 1 repetition.
4. Squat to Press Stand holding a medicine ball close to your chest with both hands, your feet just beyond shoulder-width apart [A]. Push your hips back, bend your knees, and lower your body until the tops of your thighs are at least parallel to the floor [B]. Then simultaneously drive your heels into the floor and push your body back to the starting position as you press the ball over your head [C]. Lower the ball back to the start. That's 1 repetition.
5. Medicine-Ball Situp Grab a medicine ball with both hands and lie on your back on the floor. Bend your knees 90 degrees, place your feet flat on the floor, and hold the medicine ball against your chest [A]. Now perform a classic situp by raising your torso into a sitting position [B]. Lower it back to the start. That's 1 repetition.
6. Rocky Solo Sit on the floor with your legs straight, and hold a medicine ball with both hands just above your lap [A]. Twist your torso to the right and place the ball behind you [B]. Then twist all the way to your left and pick the ball up and bring it back to the starting position [C]. That's 1 repetition. Do 10 repetitions. Immediately do another 10 repetitions, but this time start by twisting with the ball to your left.
7. Toe Touch Grab a medicine ball, lie on your back, and raise your legs so they're straight and perpendicular to the floor. Hold the ball above the top of your head with your arms straight [A].[B]. Lower yourself back to the starting position. That's 1 repetition. Without moving your legs or bending your elbows, simultaneously lift your arms and torso until the ball touches your toes
8. 45-Degree Twist Grab a medicine ball and sit on the floor. Lean back at a 45-degree angle, raise your legs and feet off the floor, and hold the ball with both hands in front of your chest, your arms straight [A]. Without dropping your legs or arms, rotate the ball and your torso as far as you can to the right [B]. Then reverse direction, rotating all the way to the left. That's 1 repetition.
9. Suitcase Crunch Lie on your back with your legs straight. Use both hands to hold a medicine ball above your head and barely off the floor [A]. Simultaneously raise your torso and bend your right knee toward your chest as you bring the ball over your knee and toward your foot. Reverse the movement and repeat, this time bending your left knee [B]. That's 1 repetition.
10. Diagonal Crunch Grab a medicine ball and lie on the floor with your legs straight and spread wide. Roll onto your right hip and hold the ball with your arms straight at 10 o'clock above the top of your head [A]. To perform the movement, raise your arms and torso and then touch the ball to the floor between your legs [B]. Lower your body, but instead of rolling back onto your right hip, roll onto your left and hold the ball at 2 o'clock above your head [C] before you repeat the movement. That's 1 repetition. Repeat, alternating back and forth in this manner.
source: http://www.menshealth.com
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
New Stock comming ON 2 DEC
thanks for view my blog..
today new stock already arrive..
here are the list:
Truemass - chocolate--RM 245
- cookies n cream--RM245
No Xplode- Lime--RM230
Cellmass - Artcic Berry--RM230
Syantha6 - cookies n cream--RM 165
Nitrotech- Triple Chocolate--RM300
- Cookies N Cream--RM 300
Celltech - grape-- RM320
- orange-- RM320
- fruit punch-- RM320
Masstech - Chocolate-- RM 260
Optimum Nutrition
Whey On - chocolate malt---RM200
- tri chocolate-- RM 200
Lipo6----- RM 170
Lipo6 x --- RM200
shaker... RM 20
We also accept order from you .. just name it we will order for you.
We order twice a month..
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